Meet 'Ruffles'!
Art Residency Diary
Lee-Anne Peters
Day 4 – 11 August 2022
Day 4 of my Art Residency began last night, as my husband, Cory and I set up some ceramics, my books, oracle cards, art prints, art greeting cards etc to the side, within the art studio.
Today started with a walk to the lake to see if there were many Black Swans about. A group of three were munching on grass, but they didn't like me getting close to photograph them, so this is just a photo I took of the lake.

I managed a good 7hrs in the studio today; varnishing, painting the edges of some new boards, mapped out / penciled in a new painting, made progress on a couple of others and met some wonderful people.
The one I titled 'Ruffles' is now complete, and is almost done in the photo below - although some alterations / additions were made after this pic was taken.

I've called this one 'Ruffles' because when I photographed this Black Swan last week he had all of his back feathers ruffled and curled up.
Below is the early painting stage. This may help give you an idea of the layering and progression this painting made.
After I penciled out the bird and was happy with the composition, I blocked it in with watered down black acrylic - being sure to leave important areas highlighted (so I could see them clearly while progressing) - namely: the strong 'S' shape of the neck, the highlight that divides the neck from the body, and the ruffled texture etc.

Tomorrow night 'Ruffles' will be varnished and will be ready to view in person from this weekend.
I will be back at AirSpace Oatlands on Saturday (10am - 4pm), ready for the Bullock & Heritage Festival.
79 High st,
Oatlands, TAS
... until 28 August.
See calendar of opening days / hours pinned to the top of my Facebook Page.
Open for these special events: Hertiage Festival – Sat 13 & 14 Aug – 10am-4pm, and, Exhibition – Sat 27 Aug (10am – 6pm) & Sun 28 Aug (10am – 3pm) Final day!