The Magic of Rebirth

Deep into the old growth rain forests of Tasmania Cory and I ventured for a few days offline and to celebrate my 48th birthday in May 2024.
The build up to leaving was strong - as it always is as I approach my birthday - which I now call my 'rebirthday'.
I realised many years ago that I need to make my day special - if that's what I want to do. I don't want to wait or rely on others to remember or acknowledge it, so I prepare through reflection of my last twelve months and releasing of things I don't want to carry with me into my next year. It is a time of gratitude and renewal to have survived another year.
This year I wanted to take our caravan to the wonderful Mt Field National Park, west of Hobart. We organised five-nights away which began on the 13th of May - the day before my rebirthday, and the day I do my last serious big releasing. Some years it is deeply releasing while other years, if I have had good time to release prior, then I don't need to dedicate much time to this.
I see that releasing is needed to make room for the rebirthing on my birthday - and thus the start of my new year.
[Mt Field National Park, Tasmania, May 2024}
On the morning of my rebirthday I got up early and walked the short walk to Russell Falls, Mt Field National Park. It was cold and damp, and very pleasant. I took my time walking to the waterfall thinking about everyone in my life who I am grateful for and feeling my loved ones in spirit come in close to me.
At the waterfall I visualised the water droplets and misty air cleansing and refreshing me.
[Russell Falls, Mt Field National Park, Tasmania, May 2024]
At this time of the day there are usually no tourists, so I had the whole place to myself - which is always a real treat. I found a nice little viewing platform and embodied the energy through Tai Chi. It was perfect.
Leaving this space energised, I skipped and ran part of the way, and I was inspired to draw when I returned back to the caravan. At this stage I wanted to draw the feeling of the space, so I observed the colours, shapes and mood - lodging these into my mind.
Not far along the path I heard rustling, and there I saw my first ever lyrebird. I watched it for quite some time, lodged it also into my memory, and then added him to my rebirthday drawing.
[Lyrebird, coloured pencil and fine liner, A4, Lee-Anne Peters, May 2024]
Inspired partly by the abstract pencil work of Richard Klekociuk, my rebirthday drawing portrayed exactly the energy I felt at the time, and unbeknown to me at the time, it also started a 5 day drawing fascination.
The lyrebird is a fascinating creature, especially in the way it mimics all sorts of sounds - including chainsaws, camera clicks, car alarms and other birds like a kookaburra. Although I didn't hear it's call, I did sight it (and twice during the trip).
[side by side - drawing of rebirthday sunrise in 'Long shadows, early morning' coloured pencil and fine liner, A4, Lee-Anne Peters, May 2024]
Then I became incredibly inspired to keep drawing. I spent around 4hrs on each one.
I loved exploring the colours, energy and feel of probably my all-time favourite tree - and certainly my favourite at Mt Field - which is this old sassafras pictured and drawn below. It must be a few hundred years old and it is full of draping moss hanging off it's more horizontal limbs. 
I missed this tree over dozens of visits to the site since I was a child. I think because it is just before the waterfall - and this always draws the eyes that are looking at the falling water. It wasn't until we stayed in the area for the first time a few years ago and I could have a good look everywhere that I noticed it.
[side by side - 'Old gnarly sassafras' in coloured pencil and fine liner, A4, Lee-Anne Peters, May 2024]
Continuing drawing in between board games, resting and more walking, I attempted drawing the photo I took of long shadows cast on the path leading to the waterfall (see below). This one was quite tricky, and there are a few things I would change about some of the areas - but hey, it was still fun - plus I knew once I was home I just would not have time to spend on these fantastical abstract drawings. So I wanted to make the most of it.
[side by side - 'Path' in coloured pencil and fine liner, A4, Lee-Anne Peters, May 2024]
On the Thursday we drove the windy, narrow and beautiful drive up to the top of Mt Field. It was bitterly cold and windy so we didn't stay for long, but did enjoy the completely different landscape towards the summit.
[Mt Field summit, Tasmania,16 May 2024]
I was on the look out for something new to draw. We had seen a few fungi / mushrooms on our walks through the forest, so I worked on a drawing of a cluster we found.
['Fungi' in coloured pencil and fine liner, A4, Lee-Anne Peters, May 2024]
After a decent rain on Thursday night, and general damp and dark winter conditions, Friday's walk to Lady Baron falls proved to be awe-inspiring, as fungi were popping up in abundance everywhere.
[Fungi, Mt Field National Park, Tasmania, May 2024]
We were like children, marveling at all of the pockets of large and tiny mushrooms, of all colours and shapes.
Mushrooms are a symbol of life and renewal, as well as death and decay. They inspired me deeply with magic. Note: not the 'magic mushroom' kind ;) as I can have spiritual experiences and visions without the need for such catalysts.
[Fungi, Mt Field National Park, Tasmania, May 2024]
[Fungi, Mt Field National Park, Tasmania, May 2024]
[Fungi, Mt Field National Park, Tasmania, May 2024]
[Fungi, Mt Field National Park, Tasmania, May 2024]
[Fungi, Mt Field National Park, Tasmania, May 2024]
[Fungi, Mt Field National Park, Tasmania, May 2024]
I don't know whether I was oblivious to this fungi world prior, however I have never seen so much fungi life around me. As a symbol of rebirth, and being up there with the symbolic phoenix and the lotus flower, the mushroom has me hooked.
I see them now!!
And what a world of incredible complexity, networking, beauty and life.
[Fungi, Mt Field National Park, Tasmania, May 2024]
[Fungi, Mt Field National Park, Tasmania, May 2024]
[Fungi, Mt Field National Park, Tasmania, May 2024]
[Fungi, Mt Field National Park, Tasmania, May 2024]
[Fungi, Mt Field National Park, Tasmania, May 2024]
[side by side - 'Fungi' in coloured pencil and fine liner, A4, Lee-Anne Peters, May 2024]
More fungi drawings emerged from the blank white paper from my fascinations.
[side by side - 'Fungi' in coloured pencil and fine liner, A4, Lee-Anne Peters, May 2024]
[side by side - 'Fungi, up close' in coloured pencil and fine liner, A4, Lee-Anne Peters, May 2024]
What a trip!
What a rebirthing!
What a birthday!
I started the adventure on my last day of being 47.
I uninstalled all social media apps from my phone to detach and avoid distraction.
I entered into the journey; eager, open, ready and curious.
The adventure itself was full of new experiences, fertility, inspiration, healing, revival and the opening of a whole new perspective of a world I barely noticed before.
The days went by quickly.
I played, laughed, rested, walked, pointed, thought, created, bled, observed and loved.
Loving every moment!
I left the place a year older and hopefully a little wiser, clearer and open to seeing new things in this world.
My creative juices are flowing - so there could be a surge of mushroom / fungi related artwork and sculpture coming in the next weeks and months. :P
['48 now' - sketch study self portrait - coloured pencil and fine liner, A4, Lee-Anne Peters, May 2024]
Thank you for reading and connecting,
Lee-Anne Peters
[Fungi, Mt Field National Park, Tasmania, May 2024]
[Fungi, Mt Field National Park, Tasmania, May 2024]


  • What a beautiful way to celebrate you rebirthing hun.
    I absolutely love your photos and drawings.
    There are so many types of fungi out there. I’ve never seen so many varieties as you have in one trip.
    They definitely are very facinating aren’t they.
    You never cease to amaze me ever.
    Im glad you had a beautiful experience.
    It is always wonderful disconnecting from general ❤️ life to just unwind, switch off and reconnect with yourself and reconnect through nature.
    My daughter and I have a huge fascination with mushrooms.
    Do you know that there are glow in the dark ones out in the universe as well. They are incredible.
    I have a whole bunch of ceramic mushrooms scattered all over my back yard but they usually are all the same.
    Just different sizes.
    It would be lovely to have some different ones to put in my garden hey.
    I can’t wait to see what you do next.
    As always I love ❤️ love ❤️ love ❤️ your work.
    What amazing memories of your holiday hun.

  • Beautiful pictures and drawings, and sounds like you had fabulous time. I did notice on your self portrait, that you failed to capture your beauty. You’re a Beautiful Soul, inside and out. Thank you for sharing your adventure of your rebirth day. Much Love and Respect, Donna 💖

    Donna M. Terwilleger
  • Exquisite images love your drawings too. Great energy Lee-Anne 🤩


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